And it hasn't been used yet..see last night I was faced with a challenge. I ended up staying in the office later than I had anticipated to get a couple of things done at work. This left me scurrying and racing home on my bike so that I could make it to my yoga class on time.

I had promised Mike that I would switch the laundry before I took off for class because he needed something dried. My intention was to come home and hang the laundry on the line (with the new plastic clothing pins I just purchased at Shopko Tuesday night) but I was now running out of time.
What do I do! I had 10 minutes to get my yoga bag together, change clothes and get back on my bike!
Here were my options.
a. quickly put the clothes in the dryer so I have enough time to bike to class.
b. take the time to hang the clothes on the clothing line and get in the car and drive to class.
I'm not sure what the best environmentally friendly option was...but I decided to put the clothes in the dryer and bike to yoga. So I used unnecessary energy to dry the clothes but didn't burn any gasoline to get to yoga.
Now I'm not neurotic and I didn't lose any sleep over this ...but this whole challenge has me thinking much more about my choices. bah!
I must also express my disappointment in the fact that Shopko didn't carry wooden clothespins. What's with the cheap plastic ones? I want the real deal!

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