Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Awesome Raw and Vegan Breakfast

In September I followed a raw food and juice diet for 15 days.  During that time I dabbled in some raw recipes.  I made raw tabouli using cauliflower and I made raw carrot cake!  One of the best recipes that I found is this Rawsome Breakfast Mix and I wanted to share it!   I found the recipe at vegweb.com and and still make it for breakfast at least 3-4 times a week.   This is my version, but you can substitute different fruits and nuts to suit your own tastes. (for example, in Sept I used a peach instead of the pear and it was amazing)

small handful of raw cashews
small handful of dried cranberries
1 organic apple
1 organic pear
1 stalk of organic celery
small handful of organic spinach. 

In a food processor, chop the cashews and cranberries until course. Add the rest of the ingredients and chop until the pear and apple are small chunks. Top with a sliced banana and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds.
If this version isn't sweet enough for you, add a drizzle of agave nectar or maple syrup and enjoy! 

It's simple and delicious and it keeps me full until lunch time!   Hope you get to try it! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My vow this holiday season

It is that time of year again friends!  The time of year where countless individuals wake up before dawn to battle other deal hounds at the mall.  Where people stand in line.. after line..after line,  listening to the same  holiday songs on rotation singing from the ceiling.  Kids are crying, people are bickering, strangers are glaring..all with the same goal - to get the best deals on merchandise in hope that these items will put smiles on the faces of  family and friends this holiday season.  

If you're shopping this weekend, please try to shop small...and by that I mean try to shop small businesses.   If you really want to occupy Wall Street, shop at your locally owned businesses and not the super stores.  This Saturday has been deemed Small Business Saturday to support this cause.  You can find more information about the Saturday event and a list of local businesses here:  http://smallbusinesssaturday.com/
It's going to happen, as it does every holiday season...the parking lots in the mall will be full until January.  My family doesn't exchange gifts anymore...with the one exception of gifts given to my nephews who are age 5 and age 2.   Last year instead of exchanging gifts my family pooled some money and gave to Heifer International.  This year I'm guessing we will do the same.  

My nephews will get presents from me but for everyone else, my family and my friends...instead of giving you a present this holiday season, I vow to BE present.    I vow to be present when I'm with you...to listen, to look you in the eyes.  When I'm in a conversation with you, I vow  to stop the other things in my life from taking my attention away from you.  I vow to put away my phone.  I vow to forget about my grocery list and my work load and my plans for tomorrow and my regrets from yesterday.  I vow to be  present with you through the good moments and the bad moments.   I will be present with you when you make me laugh and present with you if you make me upset.    I will be present with you because I am grateful to have you in my life through all of our present moments.  

Safe shopping and eating!  If you find yourself in a crazy shopping crowd or unpleasant family conversation, breath deeply and remember, be present.