What a beautiful hike, full of mossy trees, Elk scat, large slugs, and beautiful views. And after slipping and scurrying down from the mountain on a trail that after all the rain we had been hiking in started to look like a stream bed we were safe and dry and enjoying the warmth of a local pizza establishment, watching MTV's the real world in Tillamook, OR.
The next day we made it to Rockaway Beach and Haystack Rock as we drove north up the coast. I saw the largest sea stars I've ever seen (they aren't fish so we're not supposed to call them starfish..tell your kids.) I also and learned that puffins nest on the coast of Oregon from April through August...darn it we missed them by only a few weeks!
So next time I visit the coast, (which will hopefully be soon) I want to make sure I see these awesome sea birds! Go Nature!

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