Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy your day!
Here are a couple of simple tips to help make this Thanksgiving a green one.
If possible try choosing organic and locally grown or produced items for your meal tomorrow!
Try an Organic Turkey from a Local Farm. If you haven't picked one up yet and you're in the Madison area, Willy Street Coop has fresh, all natural, free range turkeys from Bell & Evans
and frozen organic birds from Organic Prairie
Plus you don't need to pre-order so even if you haven't planned ahead you can swing by and pick up your bird for tomorrow!
Make a Homemade Pie with local ingredients! It should be easy to find some local pumpkins and apples. My mom is making our homemade pumpkin pie today. I'm so grateful!
Here's a simple recipe to try!
As always if you can, get your vegetables local and organic. I'll be making my creole roasted yams tomorrow with organic olive oil and yams!
If possible, visit your local bakery today to grab some locally made items like rolls and bread for stuffing!
Save your leftovers! I don't eat turkey but I can still remember how much I loved cold turkey sandwiches the days following Thanksgiving.
Pack your leftovers in your empty containers (your #5 plastics that you've been saving to drop off at Whole Foods perhaps) and send them away with family and friends.
If you are throwing away leftovers, try to pitch them in the compost bin instead of the garbage. According to the EPA, food scraps, yard trimmings and wood waster are the largest component of our trash and make up over two-thirds of the solid waste that ends up in landfills.
Got plans for the day after Thanksgiving? How about celebrating Buy Nothing Day! According to the BuyNothingDay website, the Friday after Thanksgiving is your special day to unshop, unspend and unwind. Relax and do nothing for the economy and yourself, at least for a day!
Buy Nothing Day, is an international day to protest consumerism. The first organized celebration was in 1992.
Take some time for yourself, stop, breath, and examine your consumption. I plan on taking a yoga class and cleaning my house on Friday. My sister has planned a day to decorate the house for the holidays with her kids (ages 2 and 4)
She has prepped herself with some good music and champagne for a morning mimosa. Sounds divine!
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