It is not nice outside. Truth.
November 19th and we are still biking into work. Styling the gloves, warm wind-breakers, skiing socks and on some days the long underwear (long-johns).
In my opinion Gore Bike Wear carries some of the best biking gear available.
If you're not looking to shell out a lot of cash, Bike Nashbar is a great websites for deals.
Bike Nashbar: http://www.nashbar.com/bikes/TopCategories_10053_10052_-1?cm_mmc=Google-_-Non%20Brand-_-G_Nashbar_Official_Site-_-BikeNashbar
Today I was lucky enough to ride in with Mike since we were leaving for work at the same time. He is stronger than I am and the cold doesn't seem to faze him as much as it does me.
As we biked along he said, "your biking fast." I laughed and replied, "because it's cold out!" After another minute or so he said, "do you think it's in the the 40s?" And I exclaimed, "It's 32 degrees!".
I'm not sure how long I'm going to make it!
My office building is very bike friendly and we have numerous options for bike parking. I choose to park my bike at the designated bike racks in the parking garage. It's so nice to know that if it's raining outside my bike is protected. Today as I was heading towards the door from the parking garage to the building I could smell cigarette smoke. Someone was smoking in the parking garage, and not just in the garage but right next to the door.
I was asking myself who would smoke right next to the door like that..and why?! Probably because it's too cold to smoke outside.
Seriously...If people can bike to work when it's 32 degrees, work outside when it's 32 degrees, and the unfortunate homeless population in town can sleep outside when it's 32 degrees, than one would think people should be able walk 25 feet away from the building and stand there for 2 minutes to enjoy their cigarette. I know and love several people who smoke, so I'm not judging this personal choice ..however, have some respect people!
I was fortunate enough to ride the elevator up with the perpetrator and had my face not been completely frozen I might have said something to her directly.
Though, I've never been good at confrontation and I probably wouldn't have said anything. So instead I will post my dissatisfaction here today and maybe later I'll file a complaint.
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